Model Policies & Resources


The Climate Equity Policy Center develops resources and model policies based on best practices, evidence, and community experience. Our resources advance climate protection and support equitable and just communities.


What’s a Model Policy?

Model policies jumpstart the process of getting strong climate equity policies in place in our communities. A model policy is a draft law that provides a strong starting place for communities looking for legally sound, evidence-based ways to make change. Model policies can easily be tailored to meet the needs and concerns of a given community.


Environmental Rights Amendments

Environmental rights amendments provide people with a right to a clean and healthy environment, supporting climate and environmental justice goals. Our toolkit of environmental rights amendment resources includes a model state policy, a memo, factsheets, and other materials.


Older Adults & Climate Change

Older adults are at high risk due to climate threats, and these dangers are magnified for older adults of color.  Our resources on aging and the climate crisis spell out threats, equity implications, and policy solutions that will help create resilient, age-friendly communities. 

Smoke & Health Equity

Smoke from wildland fires is threatening air quality and health for millions of people. This review explores the latest research on smoke exposure from wildfires and from prescribed burning, assessing the health equity implications and providing recommendations for policy, practice, and research directions.


Food Justice Resources

Our food justice and climate equity resource explores the intersection between food insecurity and environmental injustices and highlights how local governments can follow community lead and enact policies and programs that address food injustice, food insecurity, environmental injustice, and climate change.

Preemption Resources

More and more, industries are using a legal tool called preemption to prevent local governments from addressing critical issues for climate equity — things like phasing out natural gas, reducing exposure to pesticides, affordable housing, living wages, and more. Our resources help advocates, community members, and other stakeholders understand what preemption is, how it threatens climate equity, and what you can do to fight back.


Circular Economy Policy

In a circular economy, materials and products stay in use and maintain their value, minimizing resource use and waste and letting natural systems thrive. Our model resolution helps local governments begin the transition to an equitable and circular economy.