Preemption Resources


Powerful industries are increasingly using a legal tool called preemption to weaken the ability of cities and towns to protect community members and fight climate change. Industries have used state preemption to prevent local governments from addressing a range of local concerns in areas such as phasing out natural gas, reducing exposure to pesticides, affordable housing, living wages, as well as many more topics that are key to climate equity. The resources below are designed to help advocates, community members, and other stakeholders understand what preemption is and how to work together to defeat preemption efforts so that we can continue our work toward just and thriving communities.


Preemption Infobrief

This infobrief explains what preemption is, how it is being used to threaten climate equity and other important policy areas, why preemption matters for democracy and frontline communities, and what we can do about it.


Preemption Factsheet

This factsheet provides a brief introduction to the concept of preemption and how it threatens climate equity policy goals.


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